Dentistry is a physical profession that can take its toll on clinicians if we do not implement appropriate self-care. A key part of preserving your health is creating an optimal dental operatory set-up to avoid unnecessary strain on your body.
The 4P medicine model focuses on a patient’s individual history and needs, not just on the symptoms of a condition. To benefit from the 4P model in dentistry, your patients need to be educated on all four aspects: predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory.
Think back to the interviews you’ve had over the course of your career. Did you spend hours rehearsing your answers and preparing for every possible question that could be thrown your way? Now that you’re further along in your career, it’s your turn to sit on the other side of the table.
Patients are the most important part of your practice. According to a review published by BioMed Central Oral Health, patient-centric care may lead to higher patient satisfaction, more positive treatment outcomes and better overall health.
Lansată în luna iulie în România, marca elmex® oferă pacienților o gamă de soluții pentru îngrijirea orală specializată în prevenirea cariei dentare și în calmarea hipersensibilității dentinare.
The incidence of childhood dental caries in the poorest areas of Scotland is 30 percent higher than in the least deprived areas. The British Dental Association is calling for the Scottish government to work harder and faster to address this inequality. Is oral health inequality like this the norm, or is this an exception?
The challenges of patient motivation are clear. So, how can we increase patient compliance and convince patients that prevention is important? How can we ensure patients leave the clinic empowered to combat gum disease?
Attending a dental convention can be overwhelming. Educational panels, shiny new technology and product representatives all vie for your attention while you hustle through a hall filled with colleagues you haven’t yet met.
Sometimes the pace of a dental appointment feels like you are moving at the speed of light. After a health history review, X-rays and cleaning, a dentist’s individual time with a patient can be limited. We must be ready to use the valuable moments we have for patient empowerment and education.
Dentists have an advantage when it comes to oral cancer screenings. We have ample lighting, accessible medical histories and a bird’s-eye view of a supine patient’s mouth.
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