Dentistry is a physical profession that can take its toll on clinicians if we do not implement appropriate self-care. A key part of preserving your health is creating an optimal dental operatory set-up to avoid unnecessary strain on your body.
Author: Dr Natalie Bradley, BDS, Dip. SCD, MFDS, RCSEd
The incidence of childhood dental caries in the poorest areas of Scotland is 30 percent higher than in the least deprived areas. The British Dental Association is calling for the Scottish government to work harder and faster to address this inequality. Is oral health inequality like this the norm, or is this an exception?
If you had mentioned evidence based dentistry (EBD) to me during my time at dental school, I most likely would have rolled my eyes. Caught up in learning specific studies and statistics, it was easy to forget the importance of having scientific evidence behind every treatment and decision. However, evidence is key to delivering good patient outcomes in dentistry.
How to avoid dentist burnout. Dentists may be at particularly high risk of burnout due to the physical and mental stresses of the profession.
When patients ask what causes dental caries, do you answer “sugar” or “the bugs in your mouth?” Oral microflora plays a critical role in oral health. Understanding the relationship between your body and its microorganisms can help you teach your patients how to prevent dental disease.
People will need a healthy set of teeth to live their golden years to the fullest. That means dental professionals must tailor their dental care for older adults to accommodate this growing demographic’s special needs. As a dentist, how can you help older patients?
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