A recent symposium supported by Colgate-Palmolive Europe at Europerio 9 and attended by over 600 people, presented the recommendations of Perio & Caries, a Europe-wide initiative driven by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP). Perio & Caries aims to apply the latest evidence-based guidelines to approach a joint management of caries and periodontal diseases – both at individual and at population level.

Your patients plan their summer activities and holidays well in advance, in order to obtain the maximum enjoyment, of the best times that summer has to offer. They stock up on sunscreen, sunhats and ice cream for the freezer! But do they prepare their teeth against the painful effects of summer too?

Lek. dent. Paweł Koniec odpowiada na pytania zadane podczas wykładu ”Nadwrażliwość – złożony problem, proste rozwiązania”. Poruszane zagadnienia to m.in. „Czy poleca pan maseczki do zębów z kompleksem wapniowo fosforanowm wzmacniających szkliwo?”, „Czy brak witaminy D3 może wpływać na zwiększoną nadwrażliwość?”, “Co pan sądzi o polecaniu pacjentom suplementów diety?” i inne.