Are cold desserts and refreshing summer drinks off the table for some of your patients this summer?

There is high prevalence of dentine hypersensitivity in the general population – more than 40%of the UK population suffer from DHS¹². Left unmanaged many of these people won’t be able to experience cold desserts and refreshing summer drinks without attendant tooth pain.

Make an immediate difference to the quality of life of your patients

The problems associated with DHS run deeper than having to forgo cool summer pleasures. Recent evidence from a pioneering oral health quality of life study (n=273) conducted in France, Germany and Switzerland, using an Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-49) has revealed, for the first time, the extent to which DHS impacts people’s quality of life – and the significant improvement (p=0.005) that may be achieved by using Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ toothpaste.³

Towards an optimal solution

Permanently having to avoid food and drink triggers isn’t the best solution for your patients. For people with DHS, your recommendation of a sensitivity toothpaste is a better way forward – particularly as Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ toothpaste offers instant relief* from the pain caused by sensitive teeth.(4)

Why recommend Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ toothpaste?

Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ toothpaste:

  • Provides superior dentine tubule occlusion: 91% occlusion vs 67% with a stannous fluoride/sodium fluoride technology4#
  • Builds an acid resistant-layer5
  • Blocks pathway to pain instantly* with 60.5% reduction from the first use6**
  • Ensures long-lasting pain relief with 80.5% reduction after 8 weeks.**7
  • Improves quality of life significantly at 24 weeks8.
  • Tastes great – patients have spontaneously commented on its ‘clean and fresh feel’9
    – all factors supporting adherence to a twice daily brushing regime
  • Provides the recommended level of fluoride protection (1450ppm F)10

Pro-Argin® technology for clinically proven instant and long-lasting relief

Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ toothpaste uses unique Pro-Argin® technology (8% arginine in a calcium carbonate base) to repair sensitive areas of the teeth. The calcium carbonate and arginine bind to the dentin surfaces; instantly occluding open dentine tubules with a calcium-rich layer, which remains intact over time, even after exposure to acids8.

Make a real difference to your patients with dentine hypersensitivity this summer.

Recommend applying Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ toothpaste directly onto the tooth surface and massaging into the sensitive tooth (or teeth) of your patients, for one minute, immediately before eating chilled desserts and refreshing cold drinks, so that they too can enjoy more of summer’s delicious treats.

*When toothpaste is applied directly to each sensitive tooth for one minute
** Compared to baseline
# In-vitro studies (p<0.05)


1. Irwin CR, McCusker P. Prevalence of dentine hypersensitivity in a general dental population. J Ir Dent Asso 1997;43:7-9.

2. West NX, Sanz M, Lussi A, et al. Prevalence of dentine hypersensitivity and study of associated factors: a European population-based cross-sectional study. J Dent 2013; 41:841–851

3. Poster presented at FDI 2016 (Effect of Pro-Argin® technology on oral health- related quality of life and dentine hypersensitivity (DHS) vs. negative control over 24 weeks) in Poznan, Poland, by Gernhardt & Christian Ralf.

4. Hines D, et al. Accepted poster, July 2018 IADR

5. Report Deon Hines-0003, 2016

6. Nathoo S, et al. J Clin Dent. 2009;20(Spec Iss):123–130.

7. Docimo R, et al. J Clin Dent. 2009;20(Spec Iss):17–22.

8. Poster presented at FDI 2016 (Effect of Pro-Argin® technology on oral health- related quality of life and dentine hypersensitivity (DHS) vs. negative control over 24 weeks) in Poznan, Poland, by Gernhardt, Christian Ralf

9. Ipsos, UK Patient Experience Programme, 2016.

10. Recommended fluoride level (1350-1500 ppm) for caries prevention in Delivering better oral health. An evidence-based toolkit for prevention. 3rd ed. Public Health England, June 2014.

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