What do patients really think about you?

What patients expect – patients’ knowledge, attitudes and expectations concerning oral health and the dental profession are changing

Do you know what patients expect from you and the rest of the dental team? Roseline Manevy, one of GfK¹’s Global Account Directors, will be giving some sharp insights on this topic at the #ColgateTALKS online conference on 22 October. These insights come from recent research commissioned by Colgate in Europe, on the feelings, needs, opinions, expectations and attitudes of patients towards the dental team and their work.

What patients expect - patient expectations about the dental profession.
Roseline Manevy will talk about what patients expect from the dental team.

This was a big piece of research by any standards. 2,400 people in Italy, France, Germany and the UK were asked questions about their experiences with dental treatment and their views on oral health.

The results overall were good news for the profession in Europe – people were positive, open and optimistic. There was also plenty to learn from and take into account, especially for dental clinics starting-out and seeking to attract new patients.

The research amounts to a major exercise in finding out what patients think of dental professionals and what they want from them. For the detailed results of this mega-survey you need to listen to Roseline’s presentation. Although it’s no spoiler to say that patients enjoy and appreciate being treated well and with care and respect.

Patients also know more than they used to about dental care options (and nowadays the younger they are, the more they tend to know). This is due to the connected world of the internet and online information. This is the world in which today’s dental professionals have to do their jobs and make their living.

Roseline is not a dental professional but an experienced consumer marketing specialist of fifteen years’ standing. She is an expert in understanding consumer attitudes, states of mind and behaviours. These are specialist skills that many dentists across Europe are aware they need to tap into. Her presentation: “What does the patient expect from the dental team?” is one of the most eagerly anticipated presentations at #ColgateTALKS. The presentation will take place at 11 am – 12 pm CET on 22 October – for more information see www.colgatetalks.com.

¹More than 13,000 market research experts contribute to GfK’s research and data in consumer markets, helping it to deliver accurate global insights from local markets all over the world. For more information see www.gfk.com.

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