Why Reinvent Oral Care?

#ColgateTALKS eConference: Supporting the body’s natural defenses can help overcome oral challenges and prevent the two most common oral diseases – caries and periodontal diseases. #ColgateTALKS eConference: But how should modern prevention look like? Dr Alex Mira, oral microbiome researcher at the Centro Superior de Investigación en Salud Pública (CSISP), Valencia, Spain, demonstrated the importance of the biofilm and how the understanding of prevention has changed from eliminating the biofilm to modulating it or managing a ‘healthy biofilm’.

#ColgateTALKS eConference: more than 2500 Dental Professionals from across Europe joined the 2019 eConference to discuss how Whole Mouth Health could help patients take prevention in oral health to the next level.

The persistent high prevalence of oral diseases clearly demonstrates the need for more effective approaches to routine oral care by patients. The #ColgateTALKS eConference 2019 brought together distinguished experts from across Europe to discuss how a more effective approach to everyday prevention of oral diseases may be achieved by the adoption of a Whole Mouth Health approach.

The full recordings of the event are now available for free on www.colgatetalks.com/econference.

#ColgateTALKS eConference: Supporting the body’s natural defenses can help overcome oral challenges and prevent the two most common oral diseases – caries and periodontal diseases.
More than 2,500 dental professionals from across Europe joined the 2019 #ColgateTALKS eConference on March 27th.


Professor Egija Zaura, professor in Oral Microbial Ecology at the Department of Preventive Dentistry at the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), the Netherlands, presented the 21st century understanding of the mouth as a dynamic ecosystem. Permanently exposed to environmental and behavioral challenges, this ecosystem needs proactive care. This means that all patients, also the ones without obvious signs of disease, benefit from guidance and support from the dental team to maintain a healthy mouth.

In addition to the day-to-day challenges for the ecosystem there is also a demographic shift, as presented by Professor Paul Brocklehurst, Director of the Trials Unit at North Wales Organisation for Randomised Trials in Health (NWORTH CTU). The population is aging at the same time that increasing numbers of people are retaining their natural teeth into old age. Consequently, there’s a need to focus on care not cure. Prevention is paramount across all life stages and for all types of patients and progressive health systems can help support this change.

But how should modern prevention look like? Dr Alex Mira, oral microbiome researcher at the Centro Superior de Investigación en Salud Pública (CSISP), Valencia, Spain, demonstrated the importance of the biofilm and how the understanding of prevention has changed from eliminating the biofilm to modulating it or managing a ‘healthy biofilm’. Supporting the body’s natural defenses can help overcome oral challenges and prevent the two most common oral diseases – caries and periodontal diseases.

Dr Barbara Egger and Dr Tilo Poth, senior researchers at Colgate-Palmolive Europe, showed how dental professionals can support patients to achieve and maintain Whole Mouth Health by recommending next generation technologies. They presented how new Colgate Total proactively protects all surfaces1 of the mouth and works with the natural chemistry and biology of the mouth to control biofilms.

The #ColgateTALKS eConference is an innovative online conference for prevention-oriented European dental professionals and students. Attendees benefit from live webinars and interactive panel discussions, which they can experience at their desks, from the comfort of their own homes, or on-the-go. The eConference brings together a wide array of international speakers, including dental experts, digital and market research specialists, students and patients, to discuss the oral healthcare of the future. The #ColgateTALKS eConference demonstrates Colgate’s commitment to digital professional education to empower future generations of dental professionals. Since 2016 the #ColgateTALKS eConferences have reached over 7,000 young dental professionals from across Europe.


1 statistically significant greater reduction of cultivable bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks, and gums with Colgate Total® vs non-antibacterial fluoride toothpaste at 4 weeks, 12 hours after brushing.

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