Did a Colgate smile help a French dental student win Miss Universe?
Earlier this year, French dental student Iris Mittenaere won the 2017 Miss Universe contest, more than 60 years after Christiane Martel won for France in the first Miss Universe contest.
Iris has a science degree and the ambition to become a dental surgeon and global spokesperson for oral hygiene. In fact, she was described as a “tooth enthusiast” rather than a dental student by the British tabloids.
French journalists have described her as “Very French, very cancan, very glam, and therefore perfectly in the spirit of Miss Universe”. Apparently, she has been dedicated to the task of winning, including spending six months in an American beauty parlor as preparation.
Like many winners before her, her profile and communications fit the bill: “I want to help people, I want to understand people, I want to meet people, that’s why this is a dream for me.”
But what was the critical factor in her victory? What really won it for Iris? The answer is clear. According to the French press, she had a Colgate smile. What else could one possibly need to be Miss Universe?
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