Complete oral health involves much more than patients brushing their teeth and flossing. It means controlling bacteria on both hard and soft tissues in the mouth and being able to overcome the daily challenges of a modern lifestyle.
Category Archive: Inspiration
Let’s think creatively about dentistry.
Internal marketing can be as simple as “word-of-mouth marketing.” Your own patients are your greatest marketing asset as they can tell others about your office and, for instance, your gentle touch as a dentist. This offers a personal recommendation as a trusted source of new patients.
Modern patients want not just treatment for dental problems, but forward-thinking care for their Whole Mouth Health. Here’s how can you best care for these motivated patients.
There are many things to be positive about at the start of a fresh dental career. Check our tips for any new graduate’s future success.
One of the biggest challenges a dental professional encounters on a day-to-day basis is effective patient communication. Understanding our patients’ oral health literacy is the first step to helping them succeed in their own oral care.
Lubisz rozmawiać z pacjentami?
Chętnie rekomendujesz pacjentom skuteczne produkty?
Jesteś aktywna w social mediach?
Dołącz do nas i zostań Ambasadorką Colgate Slim Soft!
Avec plus de 10 références disponibles en matière de dentifrice luttant contre
l’hypersensibilité dentinaire sur le marché français et des laboratoires pharmaceutiques qui proposent régulièrement des nouveautés, difficile de choisir le produit idéal en matière de lutte contre l’hypersensibilité dentinaire.
A recent symposium supported by Colgate-Palmolive Europe at Europerio 9 and attended by over 600 people, presented the recommendations of Perio & Caries, a Europe-wide initiative driven by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP). Perio & Caries aims to apply the latest evidence-based guidelines to approach a joint management of caries and periodontal diseases – both at individual and at population level.
There is high prevalence of dentine hypersensitivity in the general population – more than 40%of the UK population suffer from DHS¹-². Left unmanaged many of these people won’t be able to experience cold desserts and refreshing summer drinks without attendant tooth pain.
„Oral Care & Cocktails“ weiter on tour: Fachliche Weiterbildung mit entspannter After-Work-Atmosphäre kombiniert. Nach erfolgreichen Events in Lugano und Basel lädt GABA Dentalhygieniker/innen am 12.9., 18 Uhr nach Zürich, Gallery Club (Thema: „Karies – von der Diagnostik zur individuellen Prophylaxe und Therapie“ – Vortrag auf Deutsch) und am 9.11., 18.45 Uhr nach St. Gallen, Tonhalle (nach dem GABA-Workshop im Rahmen des 42. Jahreskongresses Swiss Dental Hygienists, Thema: „Kariesmanagement ˗̶ von der Diagnose zur Therapie“ – Simultanübersetzung Deutsch/Französisch).
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