Wpływ współczesnej diety na stan zębów a ewolucyjne mechanizmy przystosowawcze.
dr n. med. Anna Lehmann
🗓16 ottobre 2024 19:00:00 CEST 📍Poland
Making the most of Foundation Year
Dr. Jade Kwaku, Dr. Zayaan Humdani
🗓16 ottobre 2024 19:00:00 GMT+01:00 📍United Kingdom
Hipersensibilidade dentária e anomalias de esmalte - o que fazer?
Professora Doutora Patrícia Correia
🗓17 ottobre 2024 19:00:00 WEST 📍Portugal
ON demand
Problématiques fréquentes en Odontologie Pédiatrique, à vous de choisir!
ON demand
Differenze di genere nelle parodontiti
Associato al corso FAD "Oral Health: MasterClass Health prevention” da 18 crediti
Prof. Davide Pietropaoli, Dott. Piero Trabalza
#ColgateTalks eConference
A big thank you to you and your team in Colgate. It was organized and done very professionally!
Elmar Reich
Session 1 – GenY prevention – what does it mean for your practice? -
Vielen Dank an das gesamte Team für die Organisation und Durchführung der Veranstaltung.
War toll,
dabei zu sein.Anahita Jablonski-Momeni
Session 2 – Do we abandon our caries risk patients after 18? -
It was a wonderful experience to be part of. Thank you very much for all the good care you and your team took of us as speakers!
Catherine Volgenant
Session 3 – Beyond toothbrushing, towards a healthier mouth