La importancia de los 1000 primeros días: guía de salud bucodental de la mujer gestante y bebé
Dra. Yaiza Cuba: Odontopediatra
🗓29 gennaio 2025 14:30:00 CET 📍Spain
Miért nem volt 10000 évvel ezelőtt fognyaki érzékenység? Tünetek, okok, terápiák napjainkban
Dr Volom András PhD - vezető főorvos
🗓12 marzo 2025 19:00:00 CET 📍Hungary
ON demand
Βήμα 3 - Χειρουργική θεραπεία ενδοστικών βλαβών ελαχιστοποιώντας το τραύμα ιστών
Δρ. Δανάη Απατζίδου
ON demand
O papel determinante do higienista oral português
Drª. Fátima Duarte
ON demand
Beneficios de la Odontología Preventiva y de su abordaje en la Clínica
Dra. Sonia Miranda García
#ColgateTalks eConference
A big thank you to you and your team in Colgate. It was organized and done very professionally!
Elmar Reich
Session 1 – GenY prevention – what does it mean for your practice? -
Vielen Dank an das gesamte Team für die Organisation und Durchführung der Veranstaltung.
War toll,
dabei zu sein.Anahita Jablonski-Momeni
Session 2 – Do we abandon our caries risk patients after 18? -
It was a wonderful experience to be part of. Thank you very much for all the good care you and your team took of us as speakers!
Catherine Volgenant
Session 3 – Beyond toothbrushing, towards a healthier mouth